Demand Better From Regent Retail Park

The second round of consultation on the re-development of Regent Retail Park launched will close in 2024. Labour nearly runs the Planning Committee by themselves such is their monopoly of power in our city. They have green lighted every development on Trafford Road, Regent Road and Ordsall Lane in recent memory. The community needs to make sure the Planning Committee dont green light the closure of the retail park.
Is there a single blade of grass that the developers will not build on?
Remember Regent Plaza still has no residents in, 485 apartments are to be filled very soon. The two huge towers being built next to Wilburn Basin still aren't occupied. Now we also here that Riverside Retail Park (KFC, McDonalds, Casino) is to be demolished and replaced with another four blocks between nine and 25 storeys with 1,950 apartments could be delivered where the casino and two fast food restaurants currently stand.
Where will it end?
The current proposals are for the third-tallest skyscraper in the UK to be built on the retail park land standing at 264 metres with the wider scheme including ten apartment blocks with up to 3,200 residences. In addition, the current proposals have no parking involved at all. Parking is already a massive daily struggle for the residents in the area.
The council has made it obvious that they have no regard for the residents in proximity to the retail park. Residents of the area already know the hardship of the lack of infrastructure, social provisions, and public services there are to cater for the local population. Now they want to demolish the only decent amenities we have and increase the area’s population dramatically.
What about the pollution levels?
The congestion on Regent Road?
Doctors appointments already at two week waits!
7 hour waits in A & E!
No chemist in the local area!
School class sizes bursting at the seams!
Dentist places? Can only get one private.
Bin collections? Every three weeks!
Police on the beat? Nowhere to be seen.
Affordable rents and social housing? None existent.
The application reference number is PA/2024/0962 on the Salford City Council planning portal. Make sure the developers are made to listen to our concerns and feedback can be left at
To Salford City Council: Demand Better for Regent Retail Park
A scheme that has no affordable housing, loses crucial and much used retail space, which compounds already existing traffic and parking issues, has no plan to reduce crime, minimal green space, and no mention of increased public services, has no place to be built on Regent Retail Park. Having no affordable homes in a development of 3300 flats is quite frankly a disgrace”. We have set out their “Alternative vision” for the Retail Park with their three main priorities being; the inclusion of provision of affordable homes, increased green space, and a major rethink on the additional parking and traffic complications that the current plans will create in an already troublesome area for both these issues. We also call for additional police on the beat, increased school places, more hospital and GP capacity, extra buses, and pollution offsetting measures to be in the plans.