The Team On A Mission To #CleanUpTheQuays

#CleanUpTheQuays has taken on a new impetus since being taken over by Liberal Democrat Cllr Paul Heilbron. Cllr Heilbron took over the reins of the scheme back in September 2023 and the campaign has gone from strength to strength ever since. The Quays Liberal Democrats and their army of volunteers have collected tonnes of rubbish from all over the Quays at monthly community clean ups in recent times.
CleanUpTheQuays was born after the Quays Liberal Democrats under the leadership of ex Cllr Warren got fed up with the amount of litter in the area and devastating impact it was having on the vast amounts of nature in the Quays.While most attendees are proactive local residents, the clean-up events have also been attended by community groups United Utilities, Mersey Rivers Trust, Salford Litter Heroes and Salford Hongkongers.
The team have recently published there rolling 6-month community clean up schedule and have never seen as many volunteers attending and have never cleaned up so much rubbish in the area. Local resident Jonathan Moore said, “We usually get 50-60 bags of a rubbish which is great feat but it is disappointing that there is so much rubbish in such a beautiful part of the city”.
Liberal Democrat Councillor Paul Heilbron said:
"Cleaning up the area is our number one priority and in my first 100 days in office will be where most of my energy will be going to. We are leading from the front organising community litter picks and we have two live petitions that we are going to present to the chamber floor to hopefully bring about change for our area.”
Clean up the Quays Clean Up Salford Quays (
Create the area around Gnome island a nature reserve Gnome Island Nature Reserve (
Cllr Heilbron encouraged residents to give them a sign.
Cllr Heilbron went on to say, “We are also campaigning for the installation of cameras in fly tip 'hot spots' with a comprehensive policy around what is a hot spot and the use of more stringent fines. In addition, we are lobbying for more bins across the ward, especially Ordsall Lane as there is a shameful amount in this area. This is just a few ways we are trying to CleanUpTheQuays and we would love your support moving forward to help.”
“Now that I am an elected official, I can use my elected powers at the council to bring about fundamental change and get the Quays cleaned up once and for all. I am already getting some political success with CleanUpTheQuays, I have already managed to get officers to walk the ward with me so I can highlight the major problem areas with littering in the Quays. I have been able to secure the new instillation of bins in areas along the waterways where there has previously been none, and I have got the council to enforce private developers to do there part to make sure they maintain the areas that they own. This is only the beginning!”
CleanUptheQuays Main aims;
- More bins along the waterways
- Easier means for the public to report rubbish
- Cameras in fly tip hot spot areas
- Designated waterways cleaning teams
- Extra money to take the cleaning boat out into the quays and clean
- Stricter littering penalties
The next #CleanUpTheQuays clean up event is on Saturday 24th February at 10am and the meeting place is outside Sainsburys on Harbour City Tram stop.
For the latest information search #CleanUpTheQuays on X or join the Facebook Group: Friends of Salford Quays Community Gardens #CleanUpTheQuays